
You're in good hands.

Our team of experienced staff and volunteers will help you plan, train, and complete your ride!

We're excited to be working with you in this great challenge you've signed up for. Scroll down to learn more about our leaders, volunteers, and admin support.

Tour Director

Terry Barnes is our Tour Director and responsible for the day-to-day operations of the tour.

He will be on-site for every kilometre from BC to PEI. Not only does Terry have a long history of cycling himself, he has operated his own tour company and lead many large cycling tours, most notably the well-loved Sea to Sea cross-Canada/USA tours.

Terry is a deeply caring leader who loves people, building community, and creating life-changing experiences. He is a Korean-born American who grew up in Florida and has lived in Grand Rapids for the past thirty years with his wife Luanne.

Tour Team

The LS+G tour will be supported by a variety of dedicated individuals, including:

Admin Team

The Tour is overseen by Blue Sea Foundation and staffed by a host of experienced participant and donor support staff, promotion, social media personnel, and general admin service.

Got questions about Love, Sweat and Gears? | 1.877.743.3413